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ascorbic acid 抗壞血酸[維生素 C]。

( 4 ) in chapter 4 , the preparation and electrochemical characteristics of electrode modified by 2 - pyridinamine are described . a sensitive amperometric response for ascorbic acid was obtained covering a linear range from 4 . 0 * 10 “ 6 to 1 . 0x10 “ 3 mol - l “ 1 . the modified electrode showed good stability and reproducibility , and used to the determination of ascorbic acid in vitamin c tablet and tomato 7br緩沖溶液中,以150mv為工作電位,抗壞血酸( aa )在修飾電極上的響應電流與aa的濃度在4xl06 10 ” 3mol ? l ’范圍內呈良好的線性關系,在此條件下,多巴胺( da )對aa無干擾,電極重現性良好,可用于實際樣品aa的測定。

“ if you want more out of your green tea , add some citrus juices to your cup after brewing or pick a ready - to - drink product formulated with ascorbic acid , “ he suggested 他建議, “如果你想從綠茶獲得更多好處, ,在泡好的茶中加上一些柑橘類果汁,或挑選一種加抗壞血酸的即飲產品“ 。

Vitamin c also known as ascorbic acid , and it is a good antioxidant . it is water - soluble , therefore not store in our body system , and for best effect daily in take is recommended 維他命c屬水溶性維生素,因為呈酸性可預防壞血病,所以,又稱為“抗壞血酸“ ascorbic acid 。


( 4 ) in chapter 4 , the preparation and electrochemical characteristics of electrode modified by 2 - pyridinamine are described . a sensitive amperometric response for ascorbic acid was obtained covering a linear range from 4 . 0 * 10 “ 6 to 1 . 0x10 “ 3 mol - l “ 1 . the modified electrode showed good stability and reproducibility , and used to the determination of ascorbic acid in vitamin c tablet and tomato 7br緩沖溶液中,以150mv為工作電位,抗壞血酸( aa )在修飾電極上的響應電流與aa的濃度在4xl06 10 ” 3mol ? l ’范圍內呈良好的線性關系,在此條件下,多巴胺( da )對aa無干擾,電極重現性良好,可用于實際樣品aa的測定。

“ if you want more out of your green tea , add some citrus juices to your cup after brewing or pick a ready - to - drink product formulated with ascorbic acid , “ he suggested 他建議, “如果你想從綠茶獲得更多好處, ,在泡好的茶中加上一些柑橘類果汁,或挑選一種加抗壞血酸的即飲產品“ 。

Vitamin c also known as ascorbic acid , and it is a good antioxidant . it is water - soluble , therefore not store in our body system , and for best effect daily in take is recommended 維他命c屬水溶性維生素,因為呈酸性可預防壞血病,所以,又稱為“抗壞血酸“ ascorbic acid 。